By Chris Cline

2018 has been a big year for Carleton. We welcomed new President and Vice-Chancellor Benoit-Antoine Bacon to Carleton and celebrated when alumna Yaprak Baltacıoğlu returned to campus as Chancellor. We purchased Dominion-Chalmers United Church, securing a future rehearsal and performance space for our students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. And our women’s basketball team capped off an incredible season with their first ever U SPORTS championship win.

We’ve been covering these high points and more in stories on and Which ones made the biggest mark? Read on to discover which stories were most widely read as we unveil the Top 10 Carleton Stories for 2018.

All Guts, No Glory: Curbing Bias Against Women in Sport

Carleton Women Surge on the Court

Our most-read story of 2018 took a wide-ranging look at bias in media coverage of women’s sport at the varsity and professional levels. Women Ravens of all stripes delivered stellar performances in 2018, and it’s clear that women athletes are more than deserving of the coverage their male counterparts receive in the press.

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Dr. Benoit-Antoine Bacon Appointed as Carleton University’s 15th President

Dr. Benoit-Antoine Bacon Appointed as Carleton University’s 15th President

Carleton University’s Board of Governors announced the appointment of Dr. Benoit-Antoine Bacon as its 15th President and Vice-Chancellor on May 1, 2018, and the news of his appointment quickly drew the attention of the Carleton community and beyond.

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New Chancellor: Yaprak Baltacioğlu

New Chancellor

Carleton University alumna and distinguished public servant Yaprak Baltacioğlu was appointed as the university’s 12th Chancellor in early December, and this highly anticipated announcement quickly climbed our chart of most-read articles.

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NCAA Teams No Match for Ravens: Carleton Wins All Can-Am Shootout Games

Can-Am Shootout - NCAA Teams No Match for Ravens

One of the most common refrains about Carleton’s elite Ravens basketball program is that, with so many championships under its belt, it would ably compete against NBA-bound NCAA competitors south of the border. In August 2018, the Ravens strengthened this theory by defeating all their NCAA opponents during the Can-Am Shootout.

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Tiny House Opens Doors

Seungyeon Hong speaks at the opening of the Northern Nomad energy autonomous house, which was designed and built by students.
A pair of tiny houses under construction outside the Architecture Building drew curious looks from passersby throughout the majority of 2018. In September, the student team behind the Northern Nomad tiny house revealed the fruits of their labour, and the news attracted plenty of attention online and off.

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Refugee Siblings Triumph with Biochemistry Degrees

Separated from their parents because of political unrest, refugees Esther Munezero and Elysee Iraganje each completed Carleton degrees in biochemistry and graduated together during Spring Convocation in June. Their inspiring story attracted attention in Canada and in East African countries like Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.

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Carleton Expands Therapy Dog Program: Canine Therapy

Carleton Expands Therapy Dog Program

The new in-house Carleton Therapy Dogs program officially launched in September as a campus-wide student mental health initiative and, judging from the crowd of students surrounding our dogs and their owners at the launch event in the Quad, it’s a popular initiative. Readers were just as excited to read and share our story about these helpful hounds online.

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Carleton in the Community: Dominion-Chalmers United Church

Carleton in the Community: Dominion-Chalmers United Church

Carleton announced its acquisition of the historic Dominion-Chalmers United Church in May, securing its future as a cultural and community hub in the heart of the city. The space will provide much-needed space for the university’s growing music program and other departments.

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Carleton Student Takes Second at Ontario 3MT Competition

After a stellar presentation that won grad student Daniella Briotto Faustino first place at the sixth annual Carleton 3MT competition this spring, she went on to win second place at the provincial 3MT competition on April 19 at York University. Her project? Finding a new way to tackle password protection for people who are visually impaired.

Read the story.

Shopify Springboard for Students

Shopify has long been an ‘it’ company for those interested in Ottawa’s local startup ecosystem, so it’s no wonder that news of Carleton’s partnership with the rapidly growing tech phenom would attract attention. In Carleton’s unique Dev Degree partnership with Shopify, students split their time between campus and the company’s downtown headquarters, getting tuition covered and earning a salary through their four-year degrees – along with valuable career experience.

Read the story.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018 in , , , , , , ,
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