Finishing university is a major life milestone, but many graduates find themselves with a degree and a question: what’s next?

Entering the world of work can be challenging, but Carleton’s Career Services has launched a tool to help. The Employability Framework is a resource to help students graduate career ready, with all the skills and abilities required to secure meaningful employment in fields related to their degrees.

The framework underpins work that’s already done by Career Services by creating a consistent set of career competencies and guidelines to assist students in articulating the capabilities acquired through their campus experiences. Students can also complete a self-assessment to assess their experiences and identify ways to make the most of their time at Carleton.

A student receives information at a recent career fair

The goal is to create awareness about the many opportunities that exist on campus to enhance a student’s employability. Additionally, it will encourage students to engage more strategically in opportunities throughout their time at Carleton, and to enable them to better articulate how these experiences connect to their overall employability so they are well-positioned for career success upon graduation.

“In Career Services, we often see students who are approaching graduation and using our services as they prepare for life beyond graduation,” says Courtney Régimbald, director of Career Development and Co-operative Education.

Career Development and Co-operative Education Director Courtney Régimbald

Career Development and Co-operative Education Director Courtney Régimbald

“They do not recognize the connection between these skills developed and the skills required for the roles they’re seeking. Our goal is to close this gap and help students become more intentional in seeking out experiences and to better recognize how these experiences connect to their employability.”

“The experience was actually eye opening,” says Carleton student Vanessa Ippolito, who completed the framework’s self-assessment.

“I was able to understand that all of the skills I’ve gained through my academics, volunteer work and extra-curricular activities were skills that I could put on a resume and use in future positions.”

Carleton faculty are also able to seamlessly include the framework into their courses, thanks to the competencies that align with the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance’s degree-level expectations. Career Services supports faculty members by offering tailored presentations to classes.

Sociology and Anthropology Instructor Deborah Conners

Sociology and Anthropology Instructor Deborah Conners

“I teach courses with significant community engagement components where I provide students with experiences that enhance their life and work skills, but I realize that they need support to identify and integrate this learning,” says Deborah Conners, an instructor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology.

“I have had Career Services come into my courses at the end of term for a number of years to help the student with this task—to see that taking part in a community-based advocacy project has given them a greater appreciation for life, enhanced their social skills, made them more aware and committed to civic engagement and developed skills for the work world.”

Faculty looking to work with Career Services can request an in-class presentation and/or workshop.

Students looking for personalized support with their resumes, competencies and skill exploration can connect with Career Services.

Career Fair

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