The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that begins on Nov. 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and runs until Dec. 10, Human Rights Day.

This period includes Dec. 6, Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (White Ribbon Day) which commemorates the 14 women killed specifically because they were women in the horrific 1989 Montreal Polytechnique massacre.

Carleton University is committed to ongoing learning and growing to deepen our understanding of gender-based violence through an intersectional lens and gaining skills to prevent, intervene and respond appropriately.  As a community, Carleton is committed to maintaining a positive learning, working and living environment where violence of any kind, including gender-based violence, is not tolerated. We must collectively never forget the dire consequences of gender-based violence.

You can join in the call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls in a number of ways.

Be an Ally

Find out about 16 ways you can help end gender-based violence.

If someone discloses their experience of gender-based violence or sexual violence to you, your reaction could significantly impact what they choose to do next. It is common to feel unsure about what to say when receiving a disclosure, but you have an opportunity to provide non-judgmental support and information. Here are some general tips on what to say and do:

Attend Events

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

On Dec. 6, people from all over Canada will come together to remember the 14 women killed at Polytechnique Montreal in an act of violent misogyny. This year Carleton will remember these women through a commemorative event hosted by the Faculty of Engineering and Design.

Event Information

Continue Learning

Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and learn more about gender-based violence.

Take part in training provided by Carleton’s Department of Equity and Inclusive Communities. This includes, consent education, bystander intervention workshops and responding to disclosures of sexual violence.

Learn more about Carleton’s Feminist Institute of Social Transformation and their offerings to the Carleton community.

Complete the Student Support Certificate, which is designed to help faculty and staff at Carleton enhance their capacity to address student needs.

Read Carleton’s Sexual Violence Prevention Strategy and Carleton’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan.

Learn about the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) the Government of Canada’s MMIWG and 2SLGBTQQIA+ national action plan.

Give Support

Support Carleton’s Women in Engineering & IT Program (WiE&IT) through Future Funder. One of the first of its kind in Canada, the WiE&IT Program has partnered with leading engineering and information technology organizations to enhance support for women students in STEM through mentorship, networking, and skill development opportunities. The program is another step toward closing the STEM gender gap by providing the necessary tools and knowledge for women students to successfully transition into the workforce.

Encourage the Next Generation of Women and Girls in STEM

Virtual Ventures, a not-for-profit organization run under Carleton’s Faculty of Engineering and Design offers nationally recognized technology and engineering programs for youth from kindergarten to grade 12. This includes Go Eng Girl and Go Code Girl, which provide unique opportunities for girls to learn about careers in the exciting field of engineering and coding and software development.

Carleton’s Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) chapter is part of the largest international organization dedicated to promoting current and aspiring women in engineering. At Carleton, the chapter runs an annual event to connect current women students with industry and government professionals, and they host socials and other skill building workshops to help advance women in STEM.

Know the Resources Available

Carleton has support for survivors of sexual violence through Equity and Inclusive Communities, located in 3800 Carleton Technology and Training Centre or Carleton’s Health and Wellness Services.

Carleton’s Mental Health and Wellness website also highlights the tools and resources Carleton offers to help understand, manage and improve students’ mental health while at university.

Community Resources

During the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, Carleton University will share a variety of resources, information, stories and videos to help grow awareness about this issue and encourage everyday activism and commitment to ending gender-based violence. Visit our 16 Days of Activism page to learn more.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023
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