Photos by Mike Pinder
They say it takes a village to raise a child — and that’s what faculty, staff and retirees are doing here at Carleton in their own way.
Through their collective efforts, $130,000 was raised to add to collections at the MacOdrum Library.
In appreciation, Room 252 in the library was renamed the Carleton University Campus Community Campaign Seminar Room at a ceremony on Nov. 14, 2018.
“We have one million books here in the library but the reason we’re able to dedicate a space in the library in your name is because you have donated to the library,” said University Librarian Wayne Jones.
Libraries today are more than just books, said Jones. Resources are mainly electronic, making donations even more appreciated considering the breadth of collections required by a comprehensive university.
“What it basically comes down to is serving the students—they’re our first constituency,’’ he said. “For our first-year students coming from high school, you want them to use the materials. Then there are the graduate students, so you want that depth to your collection. We need the entire range.”

Donations Make a Difference
Students appreciate the benefits of a rich library collection. Student Philanthropy Association members Jaime Sadgrove and Phenyo Phillipo shared how the donations have made a difference in their own studies.
“I had no idea how important donors like you—donors who are truly here for good—are to this campus and all the incredible opportunities and initiatives that are available here at Carleton,” said Sadgrove, a third-year Communication and Media Studies major. “I am inspired by the generosity of Carleton staff, faculty and retirees. I cannot count how many hours I have spent here and it would not be possible without your generosity.”
Political Science student Phenyo Phillipo agreed.
“The library means a lot to me. In my first year, I approached the research help desk to access the journals needed to write an essay. The librarian was so patient. Having access to the right resources helped me obtain an A on that essay. The help I received at the library had a direct impact on how I was able to write about a topic I felt passionately about.
“I am a visual learner. Physical materials make it easier to succeed academically. I am grateful to be a part of a community that makes a difference and gives back.”

Thrilled, But Not Surprised
Carleton’s annual giving officer Ruby Misra said she’s thrilled with the outcome of the fundraising initiative, yet not surprised.
“The Campus Community Library Collections Project had a lofty goal of $130,000 in collective donations. Thanks to the incredible dedication and generosity of our community, we reached—and exceeded—the goal well ahead of time,” said Misra. “Our campus community is incredibly dedicated. Today, 25 per cent of staff and faculty support the campaign with a gift. Many choose to give monthly through payroll deduction.”
This generosity is recognized with a plaque at the entrance of the seminar room on the main floor of the library. It’s the largest room the library has dedicated in honour of donors.
About the Campus Community Campaign
The Campus Community Campaign is Carleton’s internal fundraising initiative where faculty, staff and retirees support the area of need that is most meaningful to them, be it financial aid, experiential learning, or the library, to name only a few. There are many areas at the university to support and community members can find out more at
The Carleton community will hear more about the Campus Community Campaign and its featured priorities this winter.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 in Alumni, Community
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