For more information please contact Steven Reid at:

Updated July 23, 2024

Quarter Life: Series written for young people (20s-30s):

Looking for a story to discuss feelings of guilt which some Millennial and Gen Z people may have over the climate and social impacts of their international travel. Is this feeling justified, and how can people manage this guilt or channel it into action?

Deadline: ASAP

Looking for a story to be featured as part of a newsletter series for Quarter Life on the psychology of criticisms and compliments with a particular focus on how to give, and take, both criticism and compliments.

Deadline: ASAP

Is university still ‘worth it’? Looking for a story written for young people (particularly racialized or marginalized pupils) which discusses the pros and cons of going to university both from a financial standpoint and in terms of personal development and the more ‘soft skills’ side.

Deadline: ASAP

Culture + Society:

Donald Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, both have connections to film and TV. We are looking for articles on Hollywoodification of politics, and what it means for the future of US politics.

Deadline: ASAP


Kamala Harris is already being subjected to racist and misogynist tropes on social media platforms and even in mainstream media, including allegations she “slept her way to the top” and assessments of her as a “DEI candidate.” Looking for an academic who could delve into the abuse women politicians endure, and whether this time might ultimately be different given the enthusiasm and fundraising juggernaut that has greeted Harris’s candidacy.

Deadline: ASAP

Energy + Environment:

A wildfire has prompted the evacuation of residents and visitors in Jasper National Park. With 2024 likely to be a heavy forest fire season, I am looking for a story which explores the complexities of international firefighting efforts. Who, or what, organizes international forest fighting efforts and will more formal international firefighting bodies be needed to handle the increasingly severe and frequent fires we are likely to experience moving forward?

Deadline: ASAP

Updated July 17, 2024

Don’t Call Me Resilient – a current events podcast with a critical race lens:

An invitation to collaborateDon’t Call Me Resilient is searching for scholars with a strong interest in sharing their research through podcasting. If you are interested in co-producing a podcast episode (frame the topic, and suggest expert guests), submit a pitch. Criteria and pitch form here (select Podcast from the drop down menu). Pitches should align with the podcast goals and style.

Quarter Life: Series written for young people (20s-30s):

Looking for a story to discuss feelings of guilt which some Millennial and Gen Z people may have over the climate and social impacts of their international travel. Is this feeling justified, and how can people manage this guilt or channel it into action?

Deadline: ASAP

Looking for a story to be featured as part of a newsletter series for Quarter Life on the psychology of criticisms and compliments with a particular focus on how to give, and take, both criticism and compliments.

Deadline: ASAP


Katy Perry’s new song, Women’s World, has been panned by music critics and fans on social media. Perry says the song is meant to be satirical. We are looking for articles on what makes good satire, when it goes wrong, and does or doesn’t work.

Deadline: ASAP

Culture + Society:

Donald Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, both have connections to film and TV. We are looking for articles on Hollywoodification of politics, and what it means for the future of US politics.

Deadline: ASAP

Energy + Environment:

With 2024 likely to be a heavy forest fire season I am looking for a story which explores the complexities of international firefighting efforts. Who, or what, organizes international forest fighting efforts and will more formal international firefighting bodies be needed to handle the increasingly severe and frequent fires we are likely to experience moving forward?

Deadline: ASAP

Updated July 11, 2024

Don’t Call Me Resilient – a current events podcast with a critical race lens:

An invitation to collaborateDon’t Call Me Resilient is searching for scholars with a strong interest in sharing their research through podcasting. If you are interested in co-producing a podcast episode (frame the topic, and suggest expert guests), submit a pitch. Criteria and pitch form here (select Podcast from the drop down menu). Pitches should align with the podcast goals and style.


Alex Janvier, one of the most significant painters in Canadian art, passed away this week. We’re looking for stories that consider his contributions and legacy.

Deadline: ASAP


Looking for an economist to write a story about national debt from a Canadian perspective. Some questions I’d like this story to answer: What is national debt and why is it needed? How does it impact Canadians? Should Canadians be worried about Canada’s national debt? How much national debt can a country safely take on?

Deadline: ASAP

Looking for a story about the economic impact of the Olympic Games — the cost of preparing for them, whether or not they are profitable for host nations, and any lingering impacts after the fact, using recent Games as examples.

Deadline: ASAP

Energy + Environment:

Looking for a story to analyze the sustainability commitments of the 2024 Paris Olympics. Does it seem like these goals will be met, where has/will the event stumbled, and is it possible to host a truly ‘green’ Olympics?

Deadline: ASAP

Looking for stories on the invisible environmental costs of emails and other technologies, e.g. social media, artificial intelligence.

Deadline: ASAP

Science & Technology:

Looking for a chronology of virtual worlds, from MUDs to the Metaverse and beyond.

Deadline: ASAP

Updated June 18, 2024

Callout requests from The Conversation Canada

Looking for a story to be featured as part of a newsletter series for Quarter Life that provides financial tips to help people in their 20s and 30s achieve financial stability and grow their wealth.

Deadline: ASAP

Looking for a story to be featured as part of a newsletter series for Quarter Life on the psychology of criticisms and compliments with a particular focus on how to give, and take, both criticism and compliments.

Deadline: ASAP


The subscription economy: Looking for an expert to write a piece about the history and rise of the subscription model. How are subscription-based models disrupting traditional industries? How many people are overspending on monthly services? What are strategies people can use to keep from being overwhelmed by them?

Deadline: ASAP

Energy + Environment:

With extreme heat now an inexorable aspect of present and future Canadian life, some advocacy groups are calling for regulations to mandate temperature limits in Canadian homes. Is there precedent for this, will we have to rethink how we design our homes to build climate resiliency, and do people have a right to a cool home in the summer?

Deadline: ASAP

With the news of an impending federal ban on “open-net” salmon farming, I am looking for a story which gives an overview of this type of fish farming alongside the other options available, and how the industry can adapt.

Deadline: ASAP

Has climate or environmental breakdown ever actually resulted in societal collapse? If so, how, and what does ‘societal collapse’ actually look like in that context?

Deadline: June 30

Updated June 7, 2024


Looking for stories related to summer reading and summer books.

Deadline: ASAP 


The subscription economy: Looking for an expert to write a piece about the history and rise of the subscription model. How are subscription-based models disrupting traditional industries? How many people are overspending on monthly services? What are strategies people can use to keep from being overwhelmed by them?

Deadline: ASAP


Will a convicted Donald Trump be able to travel to Canada? What does the law say, and is there any room for exceptions if he’s elected president again?

Deadline: ASAP


Bird flu: looking for an FAQ about the first human death from bird flu – Is H5N2 a new strain in humans? Where has it been detected in birds/wildlife/livestock? How is it spread? Is there an effective vaccine for people/livestock? Is H5N2 pose a public health threat?

Deadline: ASAP

Looking for a dermatologist to discuss misinformation about sunscreen on social media. Posts on TikTok have claimed that sunscreen can cause cancer and vitamin D deficiency. Would also like to include evidence-based sun protection recommendations.

Deadline: ASAP

Energy + Environment:

With the news that Canada’s largest would-be carbon capture and storage facility project has been cancelled, I am looking for a story to discuss the history of CCS technology, how it works, and its likely future role within the Canadian economy and industrial landscape.

Deadline: ASAP