More than 120,000 high school students and parents attended the annual Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF) in Toronto this year as they gathered information to decide about post-secondary education.

Carleton University’s booth had more than 130 faculty, staff and students onsite to inform potential students and their parents about what Carleton has to offer. Carleton’s booth attendance numbers were up over 2018.

As the largest educational fair in Canada, the free event from Sept. 27 to 29, 2019 gave Carleton professors from a wide range of faculties had an opportunity to showcase their departments and degree programs. Carleton staff also participated in the event, answering questions about admissions, student finances, awards and residence life.

The OUF began in 1997 as a way to help high school students gather information about Ontario’s 21 universities. Today, the OUF provides an opportunity for students and parents to talk to representatives from each Ontario university about programs and campus life.

The event is organized by a steering committee that includes members from the Ontario University Registrars’ Association (OURA), Ontario’s universities, and the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC).

The Ontario Universities’ Fair is run by the Council of Ontario Universities.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019
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