To All Members of the Carleton Community,

This is an update from yesterday’s Board of Governors meeting.

Dominion-Chalmers United Church

Alastair Summerlee, interim president and vice-chancellor, provided a verbal report on the Dominion-Chalmers United Church project. Board members, through an active debate in both the open and closed sessions, discussed the rationale for the project and the president and administration responded to questions. The Board of Governors has passed a motion to start formal negotiations on purchasing Dominion-Chalmers United Church. A dedicated web page: has been created to provide updates as the project evolves.

Framework for the 2017-2018 Operating Budget

Michel Piché, vice-president (Finance and Administration), provided the board with an update of the 2017-18 operating budget.

The summary included a review of revenues, expenditures, applications, capital project expenditures and financial risks. He also gave an overview of the planning process for the 2018-2019 budget with key planning dates. He reviewed the Strategic Integrated Plan key performance measures, planning themes identified at the Board retreat, Ontario government policies that will impact budget decisions, long-term operating financial forecasts and planning assumptions, revenue and expenditure planning considerations, internally restricted funds as of October 2017, pension plan considerations and special payments, including pension funding reform, and the Strategic Mandate Agreement 2 and metrics for information.

Enrolment Report

Suzanne Blanchard, vice-president (Students and Enrolment), provided a very positive update on the university’s enrolment as of November 1. She also provided an update on student success and experience, employability and experiential learning, and athletic excellence initiatives.

Community Relations and Advancement (CRA)

Linda Ann Daly, chair of the CRA committee, provided a summary of the committee’s work, including an update on the recent Talk Exchange. The full report can be found here:  The next Talk Exchange is set for March 19, 2018 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. She provided summaries of presentations from the last committee meeting, including employability skills. Ms. Daly also highlighted the 2017-2018 Board of Governors Award for Outstanding Community Achievement, which will be accepting nominations until February 19, 2017. For more information please click here:

Presidential Search

I provided an update to board members on the status of the presidential search. Ads are now in the marketplace and the official deadline for applications is Dec. 18, 2017 at noon, although applications will be accepted throughout the process. The work of the committee will continue into 2018 and remains a top priority for the Board of Governors. For updates and to view the position profile and advertisement, please click here:

President’s Report

The president provided updates from across campus and presented follow-up actions regarding themes identified in the recent Board retreat. Those priority themes include:

  1. Develop an overarching vision for the institution;
  1. Support branding the institution and the development of an effective strategic communication plan;
  1. Create a policy on allocating operating surpluses;
  1. Create conditions/policies/approaches to leverage land assets, intellectual property and facilities;
  1. Encourage development of academic experimentation/flexibility/leadership.

Upcoming Meeting

The next Board of Governors meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 8, 2018.

Dr. Chris Carruthers
Chair, Carleton University Board of Governors

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 in
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