By Lucy Juneau

Olivier Jean Chabot is the winner of the Carleton University President’s Medal at Fall Convocation. The medal is awarded annually to the student with the highest standing in a general degree program of studies.

“It’s really nice to be rewarded for my hard work in school,” said Chabot. “I was struggling in the end of my degree because grades didn’t hold much reward. This award reinforced my philosophy that you always need to work hard and do the right thing, even when you think no one is watching.”

Chabot is graduating with a degree in Mathematics. He also took a variety of electives to broaden his knowledge.

His motto is to be constantly learning and improving because the more he learns, the less he knows. For him, the challenging parts of university were not the course work, but the life lessons.

“University isn’t about what you learn in class,” said Chabot. “You can YouTube or research online anything you want to learn. It’s the people you meet, what you learn about yourself and the life skills that are important. I learned I need to connect with people and myself more.”

He tutors 20 hours a week while coaching soccer to children and loves it. Children make him realize how simple and worry-free life can really be.

Currently, Chabot is pursuing his passion to teach at the University of Ottawa in the Teacher Education program in French. He wants to prove how math and physics, which normally intimidate people, are just about confidence and how you approach learning.

For example, he uses meditation daily to declutter his mind. He also tries to “plant a seed” before he goes to bed so his subconscious processes the information. He often wakes up with an answer.

Chabot is hoping to summarize his collection of study tips to use as a guide for himself, the people he tutors and as a potential teaching aid in the future.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017 in
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