August 19, 2021

To All Faculty and Staff

Starting Monday, August 23, new access to campus measures will be in place to ensure everyone’s health and safety.

As of Monday, to access campus you must:

Faculty and staff will no longer need to request extended building access approval through their manager, supervisor, dean or relevant approver when coming on to campus but are required to follow their respective unit’s return to campus plans.

As of August 23, 2021, only units in Phases 1-3 should be coming on to campus. Information on when Phase 4 units can begin coming to campus will be provided at a later date. Subject to unit and department requirements, working remotely continues to be encouraged. In addition, all currently-approved research resumption plans will be extended; however, any new research resumption plans must go through the regular approval process.

To help facilitate the return to campus, we have updated the one-page guide that summarizes all the key information.

Arriving on Campus

When arriving on campus, you will notice that the way you move around campus has changed. Please follow all posted signage for designated entrances and exits, directional flow and physical distancing markers. All members of the Carleton community are required to wear a mask while indoors and hand sanitizer should be applied upon building entry.

Ambassador Program

Our cuScreen Ambassadors will be on campus to help encourage everyone to follow public health guidelines and regulations. They will be available across campus to help direct you to the appropriate building entrance, check screening results, encourage the wearing of masks and help us maintain physical distancing. If you’re on campus and have questions about COVID-19 procedures, talk to one of our friendly cuScreen Ambassadors. They can be identified by their red cuScreen Ambassador T-shirts.

About cuScreen

As previously announced, cuScreen is Carleton’s new COVID-19 screening tool which has been developed in partnership with Thrive Health Inc., a leading Canadian health-care technology company with expertise in protecting personal health information. cuScreen is an easy-to-use web-based application that can be used on any device with a web browser, including your phone, tablet or computer, and allows users to:

cuScreen has been fully reviewed by Carleton University’s Privacy Office and Information Security team who have confirmed its compliance with applicable privacy standards.

You can log in to cuScreen using your MyCarletonOne (MC1) credentials. Additional information is available through the FAQs on the website.

Vaccine Requirements and Clinics

As previously communicated, Carleton is implementing vaccination requirements for campus access for fall 2021. More details regarding how to attest to your vaccination status will be made available once the system is in place. This attestation will not be required until the beginning of September.

To assist individuals in getting the COVID-19 vaccine, Health and Counselling Services will be offering vaccination clinics with Pfizer vaccines on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from August 24 to October 7, 2021.

Information Sessions

The Return to Campus (RTC) working group will be hosting a series of information sessions on the return to campus in the fall 2021 term. Information will be provided on the safety measures the university has put in place, accessing campus, vaccine requirements and more. Visit the COVID-19 website to view a list of upcoming sessions and to register for one of the open sessions.

Fall Events

To assist with maintaining capacity limits and physical distancing, departments and individuals are encouraged to host in-person events only when they cannot be hosted remotely and are critical to the core mission of the university. Capacity for all events will be restricted to a maximum of 60 individuals (including outdoor events) and catering services will not be available. Requests to host events can be made by submitting the Application for Campus Activities and Events form.

As always, events are subject to changing public health requirements, and any approved event is subject to change or cancellation if additional restrictions are imposed.

Classroom Guidelines

As communicated by the Provost to all course instructors on July 16, 2021, guidelines have been developed for in-class teaching and labs. Both documents are available on the COVID-19 website. In addition, language has been provided for course instructors to include in course outlines to ensure that students are informed of expectations surrounding the safety protocols. This information is available on the Provost’s Intranet site.

For additional information on protocols and mitigation measures in place for the health and safety of the Carleton community, please visit the COVID-19 website.

Thank you for continuing to work together to help facilitate a safe return to campus.


Suzanne Blanchard
COVID-19 Lead
On Behalf of the COVID-19 Steering Committee

Thursday, August 19, 2021 in
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