Carleton University (CU) has partnered with Child Welfare Political Action Committee (Child Welfare PAC) to launch a new tuition program tackling the challenge of equitable access, without age limits, to post-secondary education for current and former youth in care.

“Youth who have been in extended care face significant barriers, including financial challenges, in accessing higher education. This new bursary will provide some of the support they need and deserve,” said President Benoit-Antoine Bacon.

The CU Youth in Extended Society Care Tuition Assistance Bursary program will help up to 20 undergraduate students, five students per year for four years. The bursary will cover:

  • Tuition and compulsory fees, up to a max of $10,000, for up to four years of full-time enrolment,
  • $1,000 toward books and supplies for first year.

“As a society, we haven’t ensured that youth caught up in the child welfare system have the same access to educational opportunities and positive life outcomes as others,” said Charlotte Smith, master’s student in the Department of Sociology. “The new bursary signals Carleton’s ongoing work at inclusivity and illuminates some of the injustice faced by kids in care by taking concrete action to reduce educational barriers.”

When the most vulnerable people in society are not set up to succeed, everyone bears the costs. This new bursary is just one example of the positive, concrete actions being taken by Carleton to make university education more inclusive and accessible.

Media relations
Steven Reid (he/him)
Media Relations Officer
Carleton University

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