Carleton University and the Bruyère Research Institute have established a multi-year strategic health tech partnership that will see a research focus on remote and virtual care, as well as new applications in biomedical engineering, software, sensors and simulators.

The three-year initiative expands ongoing collaborations between the institutions’ researchers combining Carleton’s expertise in engineering, design, IT, social work and policy with the Bruyère Research Institute’s focus on finding new ways to maximize quality of life for aging Canadians through clinical and residential care, cross-disciplinary innovations and technology.

“Together we can make a real impact on the health and wellness of Canadians,” said Rafik Goubran, vice-president (Research and International) at Carleton University. “Our goal is to accelerate promising research, generate new opportunities for collaboration, provide experiential learning opportunities for students, and engage industry, government and community partners. In this way, we can co-create novel solutions to improve the quality of health-care delivery.’’

The announcement builds on the work Carleton and Bruyère Research have done designing smart homes for seniors that feature the AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub SAM3 (Sensors and Analytics for Monitoring Mobility.) The collaboration has also responded to the challenges of COVID-19, combining their expertise in industrial design and long-term care needs to develop a new environmental design of long-term care and retirement spaces that support both infection prevention practices and residents’ quality of life and living space.

“This multidisciplinary collaboration will explore novel opportunities for health-care delivery,” said Heidi Sveistrup, CEO and chief scientific officer of the Bruyère Research Institute and vice-president, Research and Academic Affairs. “The Bruyère research team’s community-based insights and clinical expertise, combined with Carleton strengths in engineering and policy, creates an exceptional team that is well-positioned to tackle urgent issues and help society be better prepared for future health emergencies.”

Building on their longstanding relationship, Carleton and Bruyère continue to explore new opportunities for impactful collaborations that build on the strengths and expertise of both organizations, including wellness, accessibility, aging in place and rehabilitation. The partnership will empower further work in the areas of patient safety, infection control and the design of long-term care institutions.

About Carleton University

Carleton is a dynamic, research-intensive institution that engages in partnerships to address the world’s most pressing issues. The university’s corporate collaborations bring together world-class companies, researchers and a new generation of talent with our 32,000 students to deliver innovation, impact and results that are driving a more prosperous, sustainable future.

About Bruyère Research Institute

Bruyère Research Institute, the research arm of Bruyère, aims to find new ways to maximize quality of life and help people stay and return home. We do this by conducting rigorous, peer-reviewed research and developing and testing new technologies that help people be more mobile and independent. Our focus is largely on improving health care systems, global aging, and finding new ways to care for and treat people.  We proudly partner with industry, academia, government and patient/family-led groups, and we always work through an equity lens. Our research strengths are in aging and rehabilitation; primary, palliative, and residential care, memory, and equity and effectiveness.

Media Contact
Steven Reid
Media Relations Officer
Carleton University

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