Carleton University’s School of Social Work’s Black History Committee (SSWBHC) invites the public to take part in this year’s Black history event through a virtual experience that will foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation through critical discussions, storytelling and performances. The event, Black History is Every Month, will highlight African diasporic accomplishments and culture, as well as draw attention to the challenges, strengths and resilience of Black communities in Canada. In particular, there will be a focus on the importance and value of celebrating Black history every day.

When: Saturday, March 6, 2021 at 7 p.m.

This event is integral to the School of Social Work’s commitment to serve all students at a time when Indigenous, Black and racialized students express feeling invisible in university spaces while also feeling hyper-visible in their differences. These sentiments of being seen and yet unseen relate to their experiences within post-secondary education. The ultimate goal of this event is to create a space that supports culture change in academic settings to assist Black individuals, both in the Carleton community and in the wider Ottawa area to understand the complex issues associated with diversity and inclusion.

The event will feature interviews from a variety of contemporary Black voices in Ottawa, a living portrait of their stories and commentary, as well as conversations that further dissect what it means to be Black in Canada today. There will also be special performances.

About the SSWBHC

The SSWBHC is a collaborative committee comprised of representatives from the Carleton and greater Ottawa communities who have come together in an effort to build bridges between higher education and the people beyond. For the past two years, the SSWBHC has been at the forefront for delivering inspirational and much needed Black history celebrations. Through the Black History Month celebrations, the committee draws attention to the strengths, accomplishments, and concerns of the often-alienated Black communities of Canada.

Media Contact
Steven Reid
Media Relations Officer
Carleton University

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