Visit Carleton’s COVID-19 website.

Date Effective: August 18, 2020

On-Campus Meeting Protocol

  • If you are showing any symptoms of illness, do not come to campus. Please report all cases of illness potentially linked to COVID-19 through Carleton’s COVID-19 Reporting tool:
  • All meetings should be held online or through teleconference options. It is recommended that Microsoft Teams be used for any Carleton University management or governance purposes or any uses where confidential, private or sensitive information will be discussed or shared.
  • If a face-to-face meeting is required, implement physical distancing measures including maintaining two metre (six feet) distance from each other. Teleconference or videoconference options should be provided for those unable to attend the meeting in person.
  • Mask use is expected for all in-person meetings where maintaining two metre (six feet) distance from each other is not possible or is unpredictable.
  • Wipe down surfaces before and after any face-to-face meetings.
  • External visitors should only be invited to on-campus meetings in exceptional circumstances; videoconference or teleconference options are preferred to an in-person meeting. If external visitors must attend an on-campus meeting, they must be made aware of all applicable Carleton protocols and policies in advance, such as the requirement to wear a mask in elevators and while walking in general or other common areas.

Off-Campus Meeting Protocol

  • Avoid non-essential trips in the community.
  • If you are showing any symptoms of illness, do not attend any meeting in person and do not return to campus. Please report all cases of illness potentially linked to COVID-19 through Carleton’s COVID-19 Reporting tool:
  • All meetings should preferably be held online or through teleconference options. It is recommended that Microsoft Teams be used for any Carleton University management or governance purposes or any uses where confidential, private or sensitive information will be discussed or shared.
  • Limit your face-to-face meetings off campus to exceptional priority topics or projects.
  • Ensure physical distancing measures are implemented including maintaining a two metre (six feet) distance from each other.
  • Mask use is expected for all in-person meetings where maintaining a two metre (six feet) distance from each other is not possible or is unpredictable. Mask use may also be mandatory depending on the location of the meeting and applicable By-laws, regulations and public health guidelines.
  • In-person meetings, if absolutely necessary, should be held in non-enclosed environments with enough space for physical distancing measures, where possible.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020 in
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