The annual Highly Cited Researchers List from Clarivate Analytics includes three leading Carleton University professors – Steven Cooke, Lenore Fahrig and Richard Yu.  These incredible researchers join 6,167 others from more than 60 countries and regions who have demonstrated significant influence in their chosen fields through the publication of multiple, highly-cited papers during the last decade.

The researchers were identified from publications that rank in the Top 1 per cent by citations – work that is frequently referenced by other researchers – in the Web of Science citation index.

“The Web of Science’s Highly Cited Researcher List is a prestigious international indicator of the notable impact our researchers are having in solving real-world challenges,” said Rafik Goubran, vice- president (Research and International). “We are very proud of the calibre of our faculty and are pleased to celebrate our three Carleton researchers named to the list this year.”

All three of the Carleton faculty members included on this year’s list have research interests closely tied to sustainability, a central focus of Carleton’s Strategic Integrated Plan. Increasingly, the world looks to post-secondary institutions to be leaders and models for positive environmental change. Carleton is exceptionally proud of the contributions made by these researchers to aid communities and the planet.

Cooke, a professor in the Department of Biology, has diverse research interests in integrative biology, conservation science and natural resource management.  His work spans the natural and social sciences with a particular focus on developing solutions to problems facing fish and other aquatic organisms.  His most recent projects have focused on issues and topics such as fish migration, fish-hydropower interactions, the sustainability of recreational fisheries, aquatic habitat restoration, the movement ecology of fish, the ecology of stress in wild fish, and winter biology.  He has also been deeply involved with defining the new discipline of “conservation physiology” – a field dedicated to understanding the mechanisms underlying conservation problems.  He has experience working with practitioners, policy-makers and stakeholders to co-create usable knowledge.  Cooke is a fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society and is secretary of the College of the Royal Society of Canada.

Fahrig, also a professor in the Department of Biology, studies the effects of landscape structure on the abundance, distribution and persistence of organisms. Landscape structure includes the amounts of various kinds of land cover in a landscape (e.g., forest, wetland, roads), and their arrangement. Landscape structure affects wildlife populations through its effects on reproduction, mortality and movement. Since landscape structure is strongly affected by human activities such as forestry, agriculture and development, the results of this research should impact decisions on how land is used. Fahrig has been awarded the 2018 Miroslaw Romanowski Medal from the Royal Society of Canada.

Yu, a professor in the School of Information Technology and the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, who was on the list last year as well, is an IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, and Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) Fellow. His research includes cyber-security, connected and autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and wireless systems. He received the IEEE TCGCC Best Journal Paper Award in 2019, Distinguished Service Awards in 2019 and 2016, Outstanding Leadership Award in 2013, Carleton Research Achievement Awards in 2012 and 2020, the Ontario Early Researcher Award in 2011, the Excellent Contribution Award at IEEE/IFIP TrustCom 2010, the Leadership Opportunity Fund Award from Canada Foundation of Innovation in 2009 and the Best Paper Awards at IEEE ICNC 2018, VTC 2017 Spring, ICC 2014, Globecom 2012, IEEE/IFIP TrustCom 2009 and International Conference on Networking 2005. He is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer of both Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) and Comm. Society. He is an elected member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE VTS and Editor-in-Chief for IEEE VTS Mobile World newsletter.

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Steven Reid
Media Relations Officer
Carleton University

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