Nov. 30, 2020

I am pleased to report that on Friday, Nov. 27, the Carleton University Senate approved the extension of the flexible, compassionate grading options for undergraduate students for the Winter 2021 term. Specifically, Senate has approved the optional conversion of one 0.5 credit grade to Satisfactory (SAT) for the Winter 2021 term. This measure is in addition to the alternative grading options that have already been announced for the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 terms. SAT/UNS grades are not used in the calculation of CGPA, which means that changes in academic performance due to the current disruption will not affect students’ permanent records.

In other words, students will now be able to request to designate one 0.5 credit passing grade to SAT in the Fall 2020 term and one 0.5 credit passing grade to SAT in the Winter 2021 term. Alternatively, students may request that a passing grade for one full year (fall/winter) 1.0 credit is converted to SAT in the Winter 2021 term.

Should a student request the alternative notation of SAT, the originally recorded grade will remain available through the Registrar’s Office in the event it is needed for other purposes. Notably, if the course in question is a prerequisite for other courses, students will still be required to meet the minimum prerequisite grade, whether or not that grade has been replaced by SAT on the official transcript. The SAT Request Form for 0.5 credit Fall 2020 courses will be made available on the Registrar’s Office website on Dec. 14, 2020.

As previously communicated, the Registrar’s Office will automatically convert F grades to UNS for undergraduate students for both the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 terms. This measure excludes failing grades that are assigned as a result of an academic integrity violation.

Your continued efforts to demonstrate flexibility and compassion are appreciated as we continue to navigate these challenging times. Undergraduate students will be notified of the alternate grading modes today and will be directed to a Frequently Asked Questions page on the Academic Advising Centre website.


Jerry Tomberlin
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Carleton Newsroom

Monday, November 30, 2020 in ,
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