Carleton University Neuroscience Prof. Kim Hellemans has received an Award of Excellence from the Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities in recognition of her dedication to the local community, students and the broader post-secondary education sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prof. Kim Hellemans
Hellemans was nominated by students for her thoughtful and personal approach to teaching.
“The quick pivot to online/remote learning back in March was incredibly stressful for everyone, including my students,” says Hellemans.
“I was conscientious about touching base and regularly communicating with my students to ensure (that), not only were they doing okay with my class, but doing okay overall.”
The Award of Excellence was created to help shine a spotlight on the work being done by professors and instructors at Ontario’s publicly assisted, Indigenous and private post-secondary institutions during COVID-19. It celebrates the incredible work of professors and instructors on campus, in the community and beyond.
“Receiving this award means my students felt these extensions of care made a difference and I’m so touched and honoured to have them nominate me,” Hellemans says.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 in News Releases
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