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March 27, 2020 – 4:02 p.m.
I am pleased to report that the Carleton University Senate, on the recommendation of the Provost in consultation with the Academic Continuity Committee, has approved the use of Satisfactory (SAT) and Unsatisfactory (UNS) grades for the winter 2020 term.
Our community has responded to the unprecedented challenge posed by COVID-19 by adapting our teaching to this new reality. We have moved our classes to remote delivery for the remainder of the term, and we are adapting our final assessments in order to allow students to safely complete the term. As I previously wrote, we are also taking a flexible and compassionate approach to academic accommodation and I take this opportunity to thank all teaching staff for the extraordinary efforts you have deployed for our students.
To further ensure that students are not unduly disadvantaged by the unprecedented situation we are facing, on an exceptional basis and without prejudice, an additional grading mode is added for the Winter 2020 term only that allows students the choice to convert their grades to SAT/UNS. This ensures that changes in performance due to the current disruption do not affect students’ permanent record as SAT/UNS grades are not used in the calculation of CGPA.
Course instructors will submit the earned course grades as usual. Students can then choose, on a course-by-course basis, to request through the Registrar to designate any passing grade as SAT (D- and above for undergraduate students; B- and above for graduate students). Students may make this request beginning April 13, 2020 and no later than May 29, 2020, and once the change is made it cannot be reversed.
Any failing grade (F for undergraduate students; C+ and below for graduate students) will automatically be converted to an UNS grade by the Registrar’s Office after May 29, 2020. In cases where graduate program requirements allow a C+ passing grade, academic units, after consultation with the student, may request that the original C+ grade replace the UNS grade. The academic unit can make this request on a case-by-case basis to the Graduate Registrar.
Should students opt for the SAT grade designation, the originally recorded grade will remain available through the Registrar’s Office in the event it is needed for other purposes. Notably, if the course in question is a prerequisite for other courses, students will still be required to meet the minimum prerequisite grade, whether or not that grade has been replaced by the notation SAT on the official transcript.
Jerry Tomberlin
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Friday, March 27, 2020 in Coronavirus
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