Four Carleton University researchers will receive $792,883 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) to support work on national historic sites, community policing, women in early cinema and investigating how gender norms influence social institutions.

“SSHRC funding enables Carleton to extend its leading research which features important partnerships and collaborations and allows us opportunities to expand our work in equity, diversity and inclusion,” said Rafik Goubran, vice-president (Research and International). “Carleton-led SSHRC Partnership Development Grants support a broad range of research that has the potential for national and international impact.”

The grants support formal partnerships between academic researchers, businesses and other partners that will advance knowledge and understanding on critical issues. The grants allow partners to design and test new approaches to research and real-world applications, and foster valuable research relationships and networks across sectors while providing hands-on training for students and new scholars.

Linda Duxbury, a professor in the Sprott School of Business, in partnership with Craig Bennell, professor in the Department of Psychology, received funding to investigate the value of community-oriented policing (COP) in three priority Ottawa neighbourhoods for community stakeholders. This research will provide data for police leaders, communities and politicians concerned with the value of COP programs. At the core of this research is the view that developing meaningful partnerships with community stakeholders is of key importance.

Stephen Fai, a professor in the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism and director of the Carleton Immersive Media Studio (CIMS) will use his SSHRC funds to reimagine the parameters that define a National Historic Site of Canada. New technology is transforming our understanding of place and offering new methods for studying history. The project will be framed as a case study leading to a detailed examination of a single national historic site, the National Arts Centre (NAC) of Canada. While commemorated as a physical place by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada (HSMBC), the NAC as an institution is a leader in the use of digital technologies for public engagement and it remains at the vanguard for online training of artists, arts programs for youth and curriculum development for educators.

SSHRC funding will also support Film Studies Prof. Laura Horak’s project, Cinema’s First Nasty Women, an archival project that will research, curate and exhibit the hilarious antics of feminist rabble-rousers in the very first decades of cinema. The term “Nasty Woman” has been a feminist rallying cry since October 2016, when Donald Trump interrupted Hillary Clinton by calling her “such a nasty woman” during a televised presidential debate. Long before there were social media hashtags, film comedienne characters spoke truth to patriarchal power with their gleeful disregard for gendered social norms and feminine decorum. Horak will be working in partnership with Maggie Hennefeld, University of Minnesota and Elif Rongen-Kaynaçi, EYE Film Institute, Amsterdam.

Valerie Percival, professor in the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA), and her research partners will use this important funding to apply a feminist lens to international development programs to analyze how social norms surrounding gender impact health services in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. It will achieve that goal by building a Community of Practice on gender and health: GênLab – Gênero-Laboratório. A Community of Practice is a participatory research method involving groups of people who share a passionate concern and who deepen their knowledge and expertise through ongoing interaction.

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Steven Reid
Media Relations Officer
Carleton University

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