Today, Carleton University revealed its new, beautifully designed Strategic Integrated Plan (SIP), developed through a full-year consultation process and tremendous engagement by faculty, staff, students, community partners and alumni. It will be a powerful road map for the university over the next five years.

“Inspired by our location and strengths, this plan will accelerate our efforts in three critical strategic directions: Share Knowledge, Shape the Future; Serve Ottawa, Serve the World; and Strive for Wellness, Strive for Sustainability,” said Carleton President Benoit-Antoine Bacon. “It is everyone’s, and it unites our entire community as we turn towards a bright future.”

After a welcome by Elder Barbara Dumont-Hill, Carleton kicked off its new SIP in a one-hour online celebration that included remarks from Bacon and other members of the university community. Video greetings supporting the ambitious plan were provided by Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, Catherine McKenna; Dan Fortin, chair of Carleton’s Board of Governors; and Chancellor Yaprak Baltacioglu.

In the consultation process that lead to the SIP, Carleton heard often that it must leverage its location in the capital city and be deeply connected to the complex issues of the world. The new plan had to impact not only Carleton’s future, but the future of Ottawa communities, the country and the planet.

“It has been an extraordinary privilege to engage with so many members of the campus community who shared their input and optimism for Carleton’s road ahead,” said Lorraine Dyke, deputy provost (Academic Operations and Planning) and co-chair of the SIP Task Force.

“The plan that emerged echoes the voice and the values of Carleton and integrates our past, our present and our future.”

Carleton is organized around the unique triangular shape formed by the campus. The triangle is formed by the convergence of three major transportation routes: one built by human ingenuity, one created as an urban link, and one a historic waterway.

The western side of the triangle follows the Rideau Canal. The strategic direction embodied by the canal — Share Knowledge, Shape the Future — contains core goals such as preparing students for success in an ever-changing world, leveraging the power of research to solve critical issues, approaching teaching with imagination and new expectations, and continuing to embed interdisciplinarity and collaboration into Carleton’s culture.

The eastern border of campus is marked by Bronson Avenue, an important arterial road that links the university to the community, from local neighbourhoods to the cultural and political core of downtown Ottawa, as well as to the airport and the wider world. Based on this boundary, the SIP contains the direction — Serve Ottawa, Serve the World —encouraging community engagement in research and learning, and the development of partnerships with purpose.

The Rideau River — Pasapkedjinawong to the Anishinaabeg — flows along the southern axis of the campus triangle. Summarized as Strive for Wellness, Strive for Sustainability, the direction associated with the river calls upon the Carleton community to enhance personal wellness and growth, to be a national and international leader in both sustainability and accessibility, and to learn and take action together to achieve reconciliation.

These themes are especially relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic, when innovative action and new solutions are more critical than ever.

Media Contact
Steven Reid
Media Relations Officer
Carleton University

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