Dec. 10, 2020 is Human Rights Day and Carleton experts are available to discuss related topics, including how COVID-19 has exposed inequities in our society.

Paul Mkandawire
Co-director, Human Rights and Social Justice


Mkandawire’s research is at the intersection of global and public health and human rights, predicated on the premise that the promotion and protection of human health are linked to human rights and social justice. He is available to discuss the importance of centering human rights in our COVID-19 recovery efforts and the inequities that have been exposed due to the pandemic. Mkandawire is cross-appointed with Carleton’s Department of Geography, Institute of African Studies and the Institute of Health: Science, Technology and Policy.

Rebecca Schein
Institute of Disciplinary Studies


Schein is available to speak to inequities among different types of workers during the pandemic, as well as gender inequities around childcare and work responsibilities. Her research interests include: Marxist political economy and cultural studies; the commodification and decommodification of public goods and services; rights, commons, citizenship, and moral claims; mutual aid and social movement dynamics; social movement or community unionism; and political cultures of solidarity.

Media Contact
Steven Reid
Media Relations Officer
Carleton University

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Tuesday, December 8, 2020 in
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