Carleton University will host the lecture Leonardo’s Diversions presented by Leslie Geddes. In this talk, Geddes will explore how Leonardo da Vinci thought about his experiments – especially those concerning water – and his efforts to expose an aspect of nature that would otherwise be difficult to study.

This lecture is part of Cinquecento: Carleton Celebrates Leonardo da Vinci.

When: Monday, Oct. 7, 2019, at 7 p.m.
Where: Room 372, Residence Commons, Carleton
Info: Registration is available. A campus map can be found online.

Media are invited to attend the event.

As part of his experiments, da Vinci boiled water, placed obstacles in watercourses and documented transient natural phenomena. To better understand river currents, he employed tactics such as tossing sticks into streams.

His accounts of these experiments reveal how da Vinci addressed challenges pertaining to the limits of vision, as well as how one renders what one sees and knows.

About Geddes

Geddes specializes in Italian Renaissance, Baroque art and architecture. Her research examines how early modern artists studied and depicted the natural landscape – specifically the use of drawing in the production of knowledge. Her first book project, Watermarks: Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance Mastery of Nature, analyzes the subject of water in art, in conjunction with the practical undertakings of hydraulic engineering.

About Cinquecento: Carleton Celebrates Leonardo da Vinci

Cinquecento: Carleton Celebrates Leonardo da Vinci is a year-long celebration that looks at da Vinci’s work with fresh eyes. In Italian, “Cinquecento” means 500 and, for this series of events, refers to the 500 years since his passing. During Cinquecento, Carleton’s faculties come together to explore da Vinci’s interdisciplinary innovations. Cinquecento is a comprehensive look at the life and work of one of history’s most fascinating people.

Media Contact

Steven Reid
Media Relations Officer
Carleton University
613-520-2600, ext. 8718

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