As the new school year approaches, Carleton experts are available to discuss related research topics, including mental health, substance use and procrastination.

Andrea Howard
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

Phone:  613-520-2600, ext. 3055

Howard is available to discuss her research on the transition to university and related challenges, including mental health and substance use. She is also available to discuss her research on ADHD in adolescence and the transition to adulthood.

Howard’s current studies include: evaluating the developmental course of substance use from late childhood to the mid-20s, comparing people with and without childhood histories of ADHD; the intersection of self-control, mental health and alcohol use in undergraduate students; and well-being during the transition to university

Tim Pychyl
Associate Professor, Psychology, 3M National Teaching Fellow and Director, Centre for Initiatives in Education

Phone:  613-520-2600, ext. 1403

Pychyl is available to discuss topics related to academic procrastination. This includes the importance of students being aware of procrastination at the beginning of the term, and how some students may want to procrastinate less this year but do not understand how to accomplish this.

Pychyl’s research is focused on the breakdown in volitional action commonly known as procrastination and its relation to personal well-being.

Media Contact
Steven Reid
Media Relations Officer
Carleton University
613-520-2600, ext. 8718

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Monday, August 20, 2018 in
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