To All Members of the Carleton Community,

Yesterday, I had the honour of chairing my first Board of Governors meeting at Carleton University.

As a volunteer and member of the Ottawa community, I am pleased to serve in a leadership role on our Board which is composed of outstanding students, faculty, staff and citizens in our community. Each of our Board members are volunteers who are working hard on your behalf.

I was pleased to welcome new and returning Governors as well as President Bacon to the first full meeting of the Board year. Benoit has done an excellent job of integrating into and engaging with our community. I want to thank him and his team for their hard work and all of our faculty and staff who have contributed to a successful start to the 2018-2019 school year.

Our Community is Strong and Resilient

I’d like to acknowledge those who have been affected by Friday’s tornadoes.

We know that some residents have been seriously injured, many left with property damage and still some with power loss, including some of our own Carleton family.

The university continues to reach out to individuals affected to provide support and has opened its doors to the community. We are very grateful to all first responders, volunteers and community members who have been providing around the clock care.

President Bacon issued a note to the university community offering support to anyone impacted.

Click here to read his message.

Celebrating our Partnerships

Carleton was created from a vision in our community to develop a unique university experience in Ottawa. Partnerships are critical to what we do at Carleton. In this spirit, I was pleased to welcome to our meeting, guest speaker Michael Tremblay, president and CEO of Invest Ottawa.

Our discussion focused on Invest Ottawa’s collaborations with colleges and universities in the region in its pursuit of making Ottawa the most innovative city in Canada.

Throughout the Board year, we will be hosting additional guest speakers to hear from our community members. Governors will listen, learn and discover how the university’s culture is rooted in the community we serve.

Carleton Continues to Prudently Manage the Budget and Invest in the Future

Our university is financially strong thanks to increased student enrolment. In 2017-2018, earnings were allocated to create a better school experience and environment for all. This included an additional $3.1 million to match future student aid.

President Bacon Reports on a Strong Start to his Presidency

President Bacon shared his first report with us since becoming Carleton’s 15th President and Vice-Chancellor.

The president’s entry plan is focused on a listening and engagement tour.  The Presidential Transition Committee, which includes representatives from the Board of Governors, faculty, staff and students, continues to provide valuable advice to the president during his transition.

You can access the entire President’s report here:

Stay Connected

We have launched my official Carleton University Twitter account, @CU_BoardChair. I encourage you to follow as I share university news and updates. As Chair, I hope to ensure full communication with our community to keep you aware of the good work that our volunteers on the Board are leading.

Click here to read the entire Board meeting summary.


Nik Nanos
Chair, Carleton University Board of Governors

Wednesday, September 26, 2018 in
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